Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Shawshank Redemption - Brilliant Movie

Being a sunday, it was supposed to be a lazy day for me and I lived up to it. Waking up late and going through morning chores, I realised Shawshank Redemption was coming on UTV World movies. I stopped doing everything and sat in front of the TV to watch it completely (though I started watching it an hour into the movie). I remember , I first watched it a year back and loved it. I even bought myself an original DVD of the movie from UK (as it was still not released in India, if I am not wrong).

What I loved the most about the movie is that It is a very simple movie which leaves an impression on the viewer without trying to be too loud. The characters are lovely, acting brilliant and the script perfect. First time watching the movie, you would wonder, if it is a true story but it is not. There are quite a few dialogues in the movie which are just too good - Like this one:
"The funny thing is that, I was an honest banker outside but to become a crook, I had to come to a prison"
Another one goes on Hope- " Hope is a good thing, probably one of the best things, and the good thing never dies". There are many scenes in the movie, which make you feel good and the climax is also brilliant which probably few people might not guess also. The patience, determination and smartness of Andy Dufresse will make you love him. The movie is #1 in imdb list of Top 250 movies ever. Like quite a few movies, this movie too has a message that you should never give up Hope (as the dialogue above sums it up) and Dreams. To imagine a person being in jail for 20 years and then still has the positive attitude is amazing. It is not surprise that the movie is a work of fiction because having a guy like Andy in real life would be near to impossible because a person wrongly convicted and being in prison for 20 years cannot have the same attitude. Atleast I cant believe it. Overall, a brilliant movie and must be seen by everyone. So go ahead and watch this one! You will not regret it :)

Signing off-

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