Monday, November 30, 2009

Why do I love Mahabharata?

The love for Mahabharata is not too old, it started around 2 years back when I was in UK. It would be difficult for some of you to believe but I watched the entire show in 3-4 days non-stop with hardly 2-3 hours of sleep everyday. I remember watching it when I was a kid but then at that time I was not very involved in the story but watching it in 3-4 days and having the logical brain to understand it helped the love to develop.

To me, this is the best epic story ever. I am sure what is shown on the show is not with 100% accuracy but even if 50% of it is the way it happened, it is unbelievable. Lets assume this is 50% true and 50% fiction but then also we should appreciate the script writer, who made this complex script such an easy to watch and understand. One can easily get lost in the characters and timelines of the story but if you watch it religiously , you would love it and see the simplicity :). Every single character, does not matter how small, is important to the whole plot. How the characters from different eras make the whole plot interesting is amazing. To tell such a huge story and give justice to each character in less than 100 episodes is worthy of appreciation. When we look at some of the soap operas of today, they for more than 2-3 years which is almost 400+ episodes. I wish, if we had serials like Mahabharataa being made nowadays. Now also I try to watch it daily (comes on Star Utsav).

Mahabharata, give us and our younger generation a great insight into our forefathers and what a turning point this story was in the history and probably marked the end of Dwaparyuga. If you have watched Mahabharata, you would realise how we manipulated the word "Dharma" for our selfish needs. If all of us could follow on the path of Dharma as it is meant, what a great place this world would be. The scale at which this magnum opus was made is also worth mentioning. Atleast the producer and director made an honest attempt although, I am sure with all the special effects available today it could have been shown better. But on other hand I think, if the same epic would have been made today, it would have lost its character because it would have been shown in a more commercial way. One example at this attempt is Ekta Kapoors version of the epic :). All the actors in the previous serial were perfect to the character of the story. Atleast I cannot think of any other better Bheeshma, or Krishna or Arjuna.

Mahabharata gave us Geeta and who can fortget the impact it has had on the world. It is one of the most worthy books from India which has been referred in writings of many authors across the world. I also think the show Mahabharata at that time, was also shown in UK on BBC with subtitles and had a great following. It has inspired French people to make a play on this script. The story has impressed many across the world and most importantly the impact of it on anyone who reads or watches it. I have not read either the Mahabharata or Geeta but I wish to start reading Geeta sometime in future probably at the start of next year.

I can continue to write on this topic but I would give a stop now and leave it for you to comment whether what I wrote really is true or you see the show in a different light altogether. I am open for your kickbacks! :)

Signing Off-


  1. Knowing you I am not sure if you can read the Geeta. I have attempted and failed :);)

    Regarding the Mahabharat, all who are interested please make sure to read the book Yuganta - The end of an Epoch by Iravati Harshe. It's a brilliant read for all those who love the Mahabharat. The anthropological take on the Mahabharat and the characters is very interesting.

  2. Dear Nilesh,I observe that you are a great admirer of our epics,particularly Mahabharatha.If you are interested,you just buy 'Bhagavadgitha-As it is' written by Prabhupada of ISKCON.(Hare Krishna Movement) and also 'Krishna-The Supreme Personality Of Godhead.If you start reading you will not sleep till you complete.

  3. Dear Nilesh,I fully agree with Ramanaiah.I understand that 'Bhagavad-Gita As it is' written by Swami Prabhupada who started ISKCON, is the unadulterated and the best version of the Gita. I am at the dead end of finishing 'Krishna-The Supreme Personality Of Godhead' and would take up Bhagavad Gita soon.Wish you Happy reading!
