Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Training for next 3 days - Yawning now itself

It was a busy day today with lot of work before going to a horrifying training for next 3 days. Yes, I also work, for those of you who think I do not :). Anyways, I might be off blogging for next 3 days because of training but lets see, whether I get the time to post something new. I am going off to jungle stay after that for next 3 days in Coorg from Dec 5-9 and back on 9th night. So I will be off again from blogging.

I hate trainings, and that too when they are so long. Each day 10 hours and continue for 3 days. But when the training is mandatory, I cannot avoid it for long and has to attend one day. So after lot of delays , the day has come when my poor soul has to undergo the boring act of understanding everything when I am sure, would not understand anything.

I wonder how all of you feel about trainings in your field but for me, its not any fun. By the way, I am one of the trainers for a 60 hour course (in 4 1/2 day) which extends over 60 hours also at times. But being a trainer is different than attending one. Also, I am a trainer of one of the class training any project leader or manager can ever attend, so that anyone can undergo.

Have to go for a sleep now as it has been a long day and have to be ready for a long day ahead!

Keep visiting my blog and the other blog also (link shown on the righ side column). Do pass on the other blog address for sure to market enthusiasts.

Signing off -

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